Winner Announcement!
The winner of the drawing from last week's fiction Friday is Lynn!
There's a new giveaway just about every time I host an author here on the blog, which means almost weekly. And you'll only find posts about authors and books that will appeal to you, Christian women of faith. The rules to enter a giveaway are ridiculously simple: Just leave a comment after the post (include a way to contact you, such as your email) and that's it!
What Did Lynn Win?
Last week's giveaway was a surprise package. After I hear that Lynn has received it, I'll post the contents. I've decided to do a surprise package every now and then, so that instead of winning just one book, it'll be a couple of them, and some add-ins that are either pretty, fun, tasty, or all of the above!
Don't forget to tune in this coming Friday, when I'll be hosting Carrie Turansky with her new release, A Man To Trust.
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