We who know Him want to share the joy of this season, the beauty and miracle and sheer JOY of His being Emmanuel--God with us. But how do we do that in a simple card when no one wants to read a lengthy devotion or message? Below are a couple of suggestions, things you can use to hopefully tug at a heart or knock at a conscience.
The Holy Spirit can use anything to speak to someone's heart. We know Scripture is alive and able to pierce through to the dividing of soul and spirit, but the usual Christmas Scriptures are so familiar, even to non-believers, that they lose their power unless someone reads them openly, with focus.
So, in addition to the usual Scriptures seen on many Christmas cards--that unbelievers routinely ignore--try some of the following little sayings. (How do I know they ignore them? Because they don't convert! Anyone who truly understands the truth of God coming to Earth to save his or her soul from hell would convert in a second--if they're sensible.) Every Christmas I struggle to find a terse, tight, meaningful nugget of truth to put in my cards to family and friends. And for the most part, I actually dislike the use of little pithy sayings without a fuller explanation of the deep truths behind them, but let's remember we're talking Christmas cards here.
So here are a few I've used, and will use:
(Either inside the card, or on the outside envelope where even postal workers might see them--choose your weapon.) :)
2. Got peace? Jesus IS the Prince of Peace! Isaiah 9:6
3. WISE Men Still Seek Him! (The FOOL has said in his heart, "There is no God.") Ps.14:1
4. He came as a child but left through the clouds. Know any other babies like that? Didn't think so.
5. Why are Christians so fanatical, so in love, with God? Because He first loved us! "While we were yet sinners, Christ DIED for the ungodly." (Romans 5:6) That means ME. That means YOU.
7. Don't spend CHRISTmas without CHRIST.
8. CHRISTMAS: A reminder of His coming, but have you thought about
His returning? When He comes again, will you know Him?
9. LOVE HAS COME! Do you know this love? Come to the One who came to die for you, so that
when you come to death you will live for Him. (Avoiding what the Bible calls the "second death," an eternity apart from God, in hell. That's why we call it being SAVED!)
Our responsibility is to share the truth, not control what people do with it.
I hope some of these sayings will help you do that in a small way this Christmas.
What about you? Got a little pithy message you put in Christmas cards, or which would be suitable for us to do so? Share your suggestions in a comment. If I like one enough to use in my next year's Christmas cards (this year is done already) I'll award a free book and one bar of dark chocolate to the commenter.
Can't wait to see what others put in their cards!
Winner will choose ONE of the following:

AND get a bar of organic dark chocolate, my favorite kind.

Hey, those are some good ones. Other than 'Jesus is the reason for the season' and 'Hugs and God bless', I haven't put anything else on my cards. Maybe I will use yours next year.
Thanks, Deb. It certainly takes a bit more time to write out a message, doesn't it? I like to think it's worth it. lol
I'm not much for sending out physical cards anymore but the few I will send this year will say 'May you know the true joy of CHRISTmas!'
Wishing you a VERY Merry CHRISTMAS, Linore!
I like that, Anne. I'm not always as gentle as I ought to be! Thanks!
Very interesting thank you.
I tend to write
"God bless Us, Every One!"
It means so much to many.
Oh, yes, Mary. Very cheery! Good one. My pastor left a nice saying in an email he sent out today, ending it with, "Grateful for the hope, peace, joy, and love that we experience because of the gift of Jesus."
I wonder if THAT would make anyone think, "Hey, I need some of that!" :)
Good thoughts to send to loved ones and friends. Thanks paulams49@sbcglobal.net
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