Inspiration can come from most anywhere...
I finally got to watch "The Homecoming," that
wonderful story that started what later became The Waltons TV show.
It's a Christmas story but December was too busy. At the very end, John
Walton says to his son, "I don't know anything about the writin' trade,
son, but if you want to be a writer, you've got to give it your best."
Well--that line spoke to my heart. I haven't been doing nearly as much
writing as I'm capable of. I wasn't giving it my best.
What about you? Is there an area you've been gifted in but having been using to its full potential? Without knowing anything about it I can say with full assurance that whatever it is, "you've got to give it your best."
The Lord, who gifts each of us individually and as He chooses, has planned these good works for us to walk in. (Eph. 2:10) And the Bible often admonishes us not to go off to the left or the right--stay on the path. Complete the course. Finish the race.
Then He'll say, "Well done, good and faithful servant. Welcome into the joy of your Lord." (Mt. 25:21)
Thank You, Lord, for speaking to my heart through an old movie. Encourage us and empower us, we pray, to give our best to the works you've called us to do!
What work or trade has God called you to do? Are you giving it your best?