20 Promises For Your Life--from God

(Updated-- and with a free giveaway for leaving a comment.)

It's all happening starting today at Gail Pallotta's blog.

Stop by, leave a comment and you might win my short story "Coach and Four: Allisandra's Tale."

Enjoy reading about promises in the Bible for you, and good luck in the drawing!
Warmest Blessings,

Read the First Chapter of Before the Season EndsFor Free

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What Does the Lord Look For?

Today's post comes from my current read, Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World," by Joanna Weaver.

Are you a little bit Mary and a little bit Martha? Or, as in my case, a whole lot of Martha?! Read on for encouragement. God doesn't expect us to live in any extreme, but he does expect us to be transformed from either extreme as we grow closer to Him. We can have balance in our lives if we learn how to.

Ms. Weaver says:

"(God) isn't looking as much for workers as he is looking for sons and daughters--a people to pour his life into."

..."When we put work before worship, we put the cart before the horse. The cart is important; but the horse must come first, or we end up pulling the cart ourselves. Frustrated and weary, we can nearly break under the pressure of service, for there is always something that needs to be done."

"When we first spend time in his presence--when we take time to hear his voice--God provides the horsepower we need to pull the heaviest load. He saddles up Grace and invites us to take a ride."

Amen to that.

Later she adds, .."Good news is woven through the New Testament in a grace-filled strand that shines especially bright in the Gospel stories of Mary and Martha. The message is this: Salvation isn't about what I do; it's about what Jesus did."

I don't know about you, but these are good thoughts for me to begin my day with!
Warmest blessings,


Summer is Flying By...

Summer is FLYING by. June was politely sedate in its stride, though tempestuous and moody in its weather. But since July 4th, the days seem to fall one upon another like dominoes crashing or a house of cards collapsing.

There can never be enough blue-sky, green-field days of July!

Hey, I'm a guest on Lynn Squire's blog today, sharing parts of my testimony I don't usually talk about! Click through if you're interested... Faith, Fiction, Fun and Fanciful: Interview with Linore Rose Burkard: "A fellow historical fiction writer, Linore Rose Burkard, joins us today. Linore, thank you for coming. Her featured book (The House in Gro..."