Saying Goodbye--For Now

I haven't posted in awhile, so I thought I'd let you know that

I did not fall off the planet. (In case you were wondering.)
Haven't gone to my heavenly home.
No--I've been, it seems, in the netherworld of INDECISION.

I see that, now. I also recognize that I need to say an official farewell, to you, my faithful friends and readers! It's time to switch out this blog for something that aligns more closely with my current pursuits.   

Here's the thing:
This blog has been with me for some time now. When I started, my idea was to share the devotionals I enjoy writing, as well as other inspirational posts to support and encourage believers and writers (among whom I have many friends).

As a published author of inspirational romance, I like to write. The blog was a forum. Simple, right?

Not so. I'm still a Christian and still a writer, but my blog focus began shifting from devotionals and Christian issues to other stuff. (Lots of writers post devotionals and some of them do it really, really well. How many of us need another source?)

Then, just to complicate matters further, my WRITING focus started to shift. Instead of crafting novels, which I enjoy doing, I started dreaming of a children's series. Not just any series, but one that would combine my love of children's stories with my passion for Paleo-style food. Voila! A new venture was born. A venture that doesn't exactly fit beneath the heading of "Woman of Faith."

Am I a woman of faith? Yes! At my deepest, darkest moments I may get angry with my Lord and shout all kinds of undeserved things in His direction, but I would find it impossible to ever lose my "faith"--that would be like trying to deny my husband exists. Ain't gonna happen. I've had too many encounters with Jesus to ever doubt Him. (That's another work in progress, by the way. For my family if no one else, an autobiography of my "God-encounters." God is awesome! I want my family, including my descendants, to know it.)

But being a woman of faith and maintaining a blog called "Woman of Faith" are two different things. One is inescapable--that is who I am, by God's grace. A woman redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. A sinner saved by grace, written in the Lamb's Book of Life, not due to any merit on my part. A human being given the greatest honor know the Lord!

The other gets tricky.
It takes time, planning, forethought, and all that stuff to maintain a good blog.
So, the INDECISION was whether to cut the cord on this baby and let it go.....or not.
My absence was a sort of default option, letting it go by sheer neglect while I focused on the kids, all five of whom are still at home, and that Paleo lifestyle I've adopted. (I told you about that, right? 
It takes time, planning, forethought and all that stuff to maintain a healthy family and kitchen. And I want to create a blog that is a reflection of where my time, planning and forethought are going.)

I also lost a much loved sister-in-law this September. The summer was tinted with grief, knowing she was failing, and it became a flood of sorrow for me. I mention it only because it contributed to my absence from blogging. But, in my grief, I did a lot of reflecting.   

And now, much as I've enjoyed this place, I'm saying goodbye...for the time being.

I've got one children's picture book in the works and a whole series after that, for tweens.
I've got novels to work on, too, and I'll check in now and then just to let you know how they're doing.
In the meantime, I sincerely pray that all of you wonderful friends and believers and writers will
continue to be beautiful women of faith, and keep that faith well,
stay in touch,
and leave a little room in your heart for me for when I manage to revive this blog.

Thank you for being with me. One of the most rewarding aspects of being a writer doesn't come with royalty checks. It's YOU--readers!

I'll send out a post when my new blog is up and running, along with an invite so you can come along
on the new journey of health and well-being, and kid lit. I believe with all my heart that if any people in the world should know how to live well, it is God's people. The Paleo lifestyle, despite its name (Paleo, short for Paleolithic) is in reality a call to return to food as God made it.

But more of that on the new blog...
Stay tuned for my invite!
Warmest Blessings,

PS: When I say to keep in touch, I mean it! Please feel free to contact me at Linore (at) LinoreBurkard (dot) com, or leave a comment here. I love to hear from you.