I saw a quote the other day that got me thinking. It said:

Raising children may be the most important job in the world, but you can't put it on a resume.
Ann Crittenden

Did you know that in God's economy He does precisely that? Raising children is a worthy entry on the resume of a woman of faith. Note the following:

No widow may be put on the list of widows unless she is over sixty, has been faithful to her husband,and is well known for her good deeds, such as bringing up children, showing hospitality, washing the feet of the saints, helping those in trouble and devoting herself to all kinds of good deeds.
1Timothy 5:9-10

Isn't that fabulous? Mothers, take heart: What you do day in and day out matters so much to God that He included it in his list for the assessment of widows in the New Testament Church. If they needed assistance in their old age, they had to qualify for it, and it wasn't a matter of the size of their monthly income. It was completely a matter of heart, of conduct, of value, and the Lord clearly values
raising children.

Kingdom values are not skewed according to what the world considers trendy or expedient. I like the saying, "Working Mother is a redundant term." Every mother is a working mother, and mom, your work is not in vain.
God bless you today whether you are a mom, a daughter, a grandmother or wherever you may be in life. Let me encourage you not to shirk the call of being a godly mother, or give it any less than the honor that the Lord grants it. It is a high and holy calling, and may your children rise up and call you blessed!



Caroline said...

Linore, love your blog. I especially loved the post about not being your child's best friend. How true. We always tried to make good times for our sons (especially since we traveled so much) but when it came to certain things, there's an invisible line there that it really the diff bet parent & child.


Linore Rose Burkard, Novelist said...

Thank you too, Caroline. It's hard to maintain good boundaries all the time (healthy boundaries) with people we live with, day in and day out. But so necessary! Thanks for stopping by and I like your blog, too, by the way. : )