My father passed away last week. Thankfully, I was able to be present with him, along with my four sisters and my mother. I'm even more thankful that I know where Dad is, that I knew, during his suffering, where he was headed, and that one day I will see him again. When that day comes, we will both be perfectly human (perfected humans) in perfect bodies, in a glorious heaven--a new earth (also perfect, as it was before the Fall).

Many people seem to think that humans become angels or live forever as disembodied spirits in a pie-in-the-sky heaven that is ethereal. I beg to differ. The Bible, (apart from saying that we shall "meet the Lord in the air,") does not teach these common fallacies. Instead, we shall inhabit a new earth! Not a fallen earth, like the one we live in now, but a new and glorious earth without tears, or sorrow, or pain.

I look forward to this, and while I'm still here, I want to help other people know about God's beautiful plans for eternity,so that I may see and enjoy them there, but even more so that THEY may enjoy God and His fabulous new earth, also.

For these reasons, when I read Kathi Macias's devotion this week it resounded in my spirit. I copy it below for your edification:

O LORD, You are the portion of my inheritance and my cup;
You maintain my lot.
The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places;
Yes, I have a good inheritance (Psalm 16:5-6).

My mom passed away a couple of months ago, and I heard many glowing tributes to her at her memorial service. It seemed Mom touched many lives and left quite a legacy behind, though that legacy included nothing material because, when Mom died at 90, she no longer had anything material or monetary left to pass on to others. Her legacy was strictly that of fond memories, blessed relationships, and spiritual encouragement.

And that’s the point. As believers, we have the greatest heritage imaginable—God Himself! The psalmist says that the Lord is his inheritance, and He is ours as well. The psalmist also declares that his inheritance is a good one. Though some may inherit mansions or yachts or huge bank accounts when loved ones die, believers inherit the God of the Universe, the Savior of mankind, an unending life of joy and peace and light.

This is an inheritance that should not only cause us to rejoice but to do everything possible to impart that same inheritance to others. As Christians who desire to glorify God, this should be our main focus, our primary goal, each and every day, every moment that we walk this earth. We know the old saying that we can’t “take it [material things] with us” is true, but it is also true that the only treasures we can take with us to heaven and lay at the feet of Jesus are the lives we influence for God’s Kingdom.

The lines truly have fallen to us in pleasant places, dear fellow believers, for we have a good heritage—too good to keep to ourselves. Let’s resolve, while we still have breath within us, to pass it on to as many others as we can!

***My newest releases, Deliver Me From Evil and A Christmas Journey Home, are now available at most online venues and in bookstores across the country. You can find/order them, along with previously published books, on my website ( You can also get a free download of the first two chapters of Deliver Me From Evil at

***Kathi Macias, PO Box 772, Homeland, CA 92548

Until next time,


and, HEAVEN IS FOR REAL, Todd Burpo


Kathi Macias said...

Thank you, Linore, for including my devotional in your moving post about your beloved father's home-going. I so understand! Both my parents are with Jesus now, and I've come to terms with the fact that I will miss them until I join them one day, though perhaps the pain of their absence will lessen between now and then. Praying for you and your family as you walk through this bittersweet season!

Linore Rose Burkard, Novelist said...

Thank you, Kathi. It helps to hear from someone who understands the "hopeful pain" we must endure until the day of our own home-going arrives (and has come to terms with it). I am sooo grateful for the hope we have in Christ, knowing it will help me come to terms, as well. And thanks for the prayers!
