Words for the Hurting

There are so many people in my world who are sick right now with serious ailments.
One is my dad, who was recently diagnosed with Stage 3 Esophageal Cancer. I pray for him daily, of course, and try to send him lots of encouragement by email and phone calls.

What about you? If you are like most people, you probably know someone who is ill.

Years ago I started a notebook which I titled,The Book of Healing. A rather lofty title, no? But it wasn't going to be for my words or thoughts. My idea was to write down every single scripture I came across that spoke of healing or promised it--as I was doing my yearly read-through-the Bible.

I don't read through the Bible every year. And I often get sidetracked.

I did manage to collect a bunch of good verses, however, which I have read myself when I've been sick or in pain, and which may encourage you or someone you love, too. My original thought was to get a large collection of these Bible promises and put them on an audio tape. Listening to Scripture is one way to get it in our hearts--and sometimes to get it in our very bones, which can bring healing. I've known this to happen!

Anyway, here are a few for you or anyone who is sick:

"For I will restore you to health
And I will heal you of your wounds,"
declares the Lord.
Jeremiah 30:17a

I have loved you with an everlasting love;
Therefore I have drawn you with lovingkindness.
Again, I will build you and you will be rebuilt,
O Virgin of Israel.
Jeremiah 31:3b-4

Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh;
Is anything too difficult for me?
Jeremiah 32:27

Behold, I will bring health and healing,
and I will heal them; and I will reveal to them an abundance of peace and truth.
Jeremiah 33:6

Do not be wise in your own eyes;
fear the Lord, and turn away from evil.
It will be a healing for your flesh
and a refreshment for your body.
Proverbs 3:7-8

Father, bring healing today to those we love, to ourselves, and to your people. Thank you for being a GOD WHO HEALS. Thank you that in Christ, we have the privilege of laying our needs before your throne. Thank you that there is POWER in the blood! (Of Christ) Amen.

Have a prayer request to share? Please do so. I'll pray for you.
And while you pray, remember my dad, won't you?
Warmest blessings,


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