Being Able to Say “NO” ~ Your Life Might Just Depend on It
With Life Coach Deborah Luxton
Truth for Life's Journey ~ "...know the truth and the truth will set you free." John 8:32
Linore: Deborah Luxton, certified Christian Life & Leadership Coach, is with us today. Thanks for stopping by Woman of Faith, Deborah! Tell us a little about the teleconferences you've been bringing to women.
Deborah: Many people have a hard time establishing boundaries or they find it hard to maintain them. If you fall into one of these areas or you would like to have some additional considerations for boundaries in your life, my teleconference is for you.

I've been on both sides of the fence when it comes to establishing boundaries or needing to maintain them. I'll tell you about my struggles and out of control life before learning how to control the chaos. I also share how I made a complete turn-around in my life, and I teach how you can do the same by implementing and keeping boundaries.
In my FREE, 1 hour Teleconference, you will learn ~
• What healthy boundaries are
• How your words impact your boundaries
• Things to have in place when implementing boundaries
• How to stick to your boundaries
• How to get additional help with boundaries
BONUS for those in attendance ~
• You will receive a free handout on boundaries
• You will have time to get your questions answered on the call or through email
• SURPRISE BONUS! (I can't tell you or it wouldn't be a surprise!)
Linore: Wow! It sounds like you cover a lot of great stuff. How can women contact you to set up a free teleconference with you?
They can call me or send an email and we can discuss their issues.
Phone: (314) 578-3003
Email: gfluxton(at)gmail.com
Visit Debbie Online
To Your Authentic Life,
Coach Deb ~ Christian Life Coach for BUSY Professional Women
About Debbie:
Debbie Luxton is a Christian Life & Leadership Coach, Teacher and Speaker for BUSY Professional Women ~ Specializing in women who “have it all together on the outside, but are falling apart on the inside.”
Debbie is a Founding Partner and Certified Independent Coach with The John Maxwell Team. She coaches, teaches and speaks on 5 Leadership Programs. She is the owner of Truth for Life’s Journey, and Co-leads a "Celebrate Recovery Ministry." She also serves on the Missouri Recovery Network Board of Directors. Debbie is a member of the National Association for Professional Women, is a contributing author in the 2011 book Inspired Women Succeed and retired from a 30 year Fortune 500 corporate career.
Debbie is passionate about living to serve as the Lord has called her and for you to know that “A disillusioned, unmanageable, no time for God or yourself life is NOT what God wants for you."
Image source:http://help4newmoms.com/wordpress/2011/04/what-the-help4newmoms-blog-is-all-about/
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