An Unthinkable Danger
An unthinkable danger. An unexpected choice.
Today is FICTION FRIDAY on Woman of Faith, and award-winning author (and personal dear friend) Melanie Dickerson is stopping by to tell us about her excellent latest book, The Merchant's Daughter.
To answer these questions, I found myself turning pages quickly while reading the book. I wouldn't feature a book here if I didn't think you, my readers, would enjoy it, no matter how good a friend the author is. So, take my word for it: you'll enjoy this medieval treat. It's a fresh take on Beauty and the Beast, a fairy-tale makeover for Christian girls. (And don't go away: Melanie's giving away a free book to one commenter!)
Annabel, once the daughter of a wealthy merchant, is trapped in indentured servitude to Lord Ranulf, a recluse who is rumored to be both terrifying and beastly. Her circumstances are made even worse by the proximity of Lord Ranulf's bailiff---a revolting man who has made unwelcome advances on Annabel in the past.
Believing that life in a nunnery is the best way to escape the escalation of the bailiff's vile behavior and to preserve the faith that sustains her, Annabel is surprised to discover a sense of security and joy in her encounters with Lord Ranulf. As Annabel struggles to confront her feelings, she is involved in a situation that could place Ranulf in grave danger. Ranulf's future, and possibly his heart, may rest in her hands, and Annabel must decide whether to follow the plans she has cherished or the calling God has placed on her heart.

I asked Melanie to give us some little-known facts about herself, and it turns out she had some major clues that writing was in her blood. How many authors can say the following of themselves?
Me: Melanie, what are four things most people don't know about you?
1. My father was named after the famous western writer, Zane Grey.
2. I was named after Melanie in Gone With the Wind.
3. I grew up about 30 or 40 miles from the town where Harper Lee, author of To Kill a Mockingbird, grew up. And my maiden name was Lee.
4. I lived in Ukraine for one year, the same town that the most famous Ukrainian poet, Shevchenko, was from. And we lived on Shevchenko Street.
How's THAT for coincidences? Melanie, we'll have to concede that you were destined for literary greatness. OR, we could read your books and find out that way!
Here are links for you to check out Melanie's latest:
The Merchant's Daughter (from Amazon)
From Barnes and Noble
Leave a comment for Melanie from now until next Friday and she'll award one commenter with a free book. Thank you, Melanie! You've made this Fiction Friday so special!
To learn more about Melanie, stop by her website at http://www.MelanieDickerson.com
Thanks, Linore! I love giving away copies of my book. :-)
It definitely sounds like writing is in your system. The cover of the book looks great. And it sounds like it is going to be a great read.
Melanie, I can't wait to read your books! I would love to enter to win a free book.
Hey Melanie and Linore! Two very special friends! And Happy Birthday, Melanie!
I LOVED this book. And you have some neat coincidences or is it destiny speaking to you! Have a blessed day, Ladies.
Love you, Debbie Lynne
Hi Melanie! I didn't know all those facts about you! I do know one thing. If The Merchant's Daughter is even HALF as good as The Healer's Apprentice, I need to make time to read it and do NOTHING ELSE! I loved, loved, loved The Healer's Apprentice and I'd be so excited to win a copy of your new book! Of course, either way, I WILL have a copy of it to read!!! Love you Girl!
This sounds like a fun book to read! Love fairy-tale inspired!
Glad you all got to come by. We accept comments for one full week, so next Friday the winner of Melanie's book will be notified.
I know you'll enjoy it, whoever you are!
By the way, note to Victory Knitter:
Take a look at the app on the right side of my blog. You can get "Jane Austen Knits" from that company!
I just got my copy in the mail today and love it. (Sorry to take us off-topic, Melanie!)
Just had to mention. : )
The Merchants Daughter sounds like a wonderful book. i would love to win a copy.
I requested this book from my library and read it about a week ago. I couldn't put it down, and I read it in one sitting. A Beauty and the Beast story with real class. Melanie Dickerson did an awesome job with her research and I am waiting with bated breath for whatever she will write next. Thanks Melanie!
Wow, this sounds so good! I would love to win!!
I really loved "The Healer's Apprentice" though it was marketed for YA (and I'm many years from that!) so I'm really looking forward to reading "The Merchant's Daughter." I love the way you take common fairy tales and weave a new story, complete with a faith message. It would really make my day to win a copy of "The Merchant's Daughter." Thanks so much for the opportunity.
I bought 2 copies of The Merchant's Daughter...one for my sister and one for me, cause I ain't sharing! Looking forward to reading it! (no need to enter me for a chance)
I am so very excited to read this book! The interview was great, those are some definite clues that writing is in your blood :) Please enter me!
The cover is so pretty and I enjoyed the interview. I'd love to read this!
I love the cover. Your book is an era I'm not very familiar with and would love to win it. Please enter me. Do I need to read the first book mentioned to follow this one?
desertrose5173 at gmail dot com
Carmen, you don't need to read the first book before you read this one because they are entirely different characters and there's no connection, except that they're both based on fairy tales. Thanks for leaving a comment!
Thanks so everyone who came and commented! I hope you all are able to get your hands on a copy! Request it from your library. I love getting my books in libraries!
Also, on my website, www.melaniedickerson.com, you can watch the trailers for both books.
Hey everyone--If you don't win Melanie's book today, remember that I post a new author and giveaway every "Fiction Friday" here on Woman of Faith. So enter your email in the subscription box and you'll be alerted of each new chance to win a book.
Thanks for entering. Winner will be announced next Friday.
Warmest blessings,
AAAAAH! I so TOTALLY want to win this book!! I already purchased a copy, but my daughter ran off with it before I even got a chance to read it!! Dratted child! And, to rub it in, she said she loved it... :)
Thank you for the opportunity to win!
amanda38401 at gmail dot com
Amanda, you definitely deserve your own copy!!! ;-)
I loved "The Healer's Apprentice"! There can't be enough medieval Christian fiction --thanks for the chance to win!
thanks for the opportunity to read this fabulous novel :)
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
I have never read any of Melanie's work and I'd LOVE To win a book! Reading is my most favorite thing in all the world to do. My 'to read' basket has about 35 books and I keep ordering more!
I've never read any of Melanie's books so I'd LOVE to win! Reading is my most favorite thing in all th world to do. I've got about 30 books in my 'to read' basket and I just keep ordering more. I think I'm an addict.
Very excited to read Melanie Dicjerson's new book! Thanks for telling me about the book on your blog.
Here is my comment :) The book sounds good. I hope it's as good as Ms Burkard's are.
I wouldlove to win her book. I have loved and read other books of hers. So please enter me.
jrs362 at hotmail dot com
I just discovered linore rose buckard last week thru cbd book sellers and have read 2 of the series of 3 about Arianna and have started the last one. I also read 2 other books,in that time. I am retired now and am starting to read for pleasure and really want christian fiction. Also learned how to download both on my computer and iphone, which is great.I can't wait to discover more books and authors without wondering in they are really the type of books I want to read.
Love Beauty and the Beast stories, so
I know I will enjoy The Merchant's
Melanie, so many literary coincidences.
You were truly meant to be an author!
Pat Cochran
just signed up/Woman of Faith
And the winner of THE MERCHANT'S DAUGHTER is grannyd! Congratulations, Granny! Pls contact me or leave another comment with your contact info so we can get a book out to you!
And a big THANK YOU to all of you for participating! Come back each Friday for the latest giveaway.
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