Why Christians Must Vote

Politics is a touchy issue, and I know I run the risk of alienating readers with this post. But hey, it's my blog,  and I'll rant if I want to.  And here's the reason I want to:

It came to my attention recently that a lovely Christian couple of my acquaintance were not planning on voting this year. I was saddened, to say the least.  It made me think about why we should vote, and how being people of faith only adds incentive to that responsibility.

And make no mistake, voting is a responsibility. These misguided people (and many Americans) evidently think of it as an optional activity, to be exercised only if they wholeheartedly approve of a candidate.This is naive.

First of all, there's this principle which says that every action must have an equal and opposite reaction. Jesus said "He that is not with me, is against me." (Matthew 12:40)
Obama could say, "He that votes not against me, votes for me."

Here's the thing: By abandoning their responsibility to choose the candidate who comes CLOSEST to their values, they are by default casting a vote in favor of the one who doesn't. 

"Well, I can't vote for a Mormon," they say.

 ..If Christians abandon the political playing field, they do not leave it empty. They leave it to the other side to come and fill the dugout.

Puh-lease! Jimmy Carter furthered his platform by claiming to be a "born again" Christian, and yet, until Mr. Obama came along, his was the single most disastrous presidency of this country's history. While it's true that Christian principles are what made this nation great, it doesn't mean that just being Christian will make someone a good leader, no more than being Christian makes someone a good worship leader or preacher. And if  neither candidate running has the track record of being effective at Christian leadership, then you choose the one who at least supports godly values. Romney takes the record for that over Obama OVERWHELMINGLY. (Not to mention that Romney's running mate is a Bible believing Christian, a Catholic.)

Mr. Obama has consistently acted against Christian principles, but that could fill a post in itself. 

(Did you catch Joe Biden saying his life has been shaped by his Catholicism? Right. And I have a bridge to sell you...)

One preacher put it this way: "I'd rather vote for a Mormon than a moron."

 One preacher put it this way: "I'd rather vote for a Mormon than a moron."

The point is that if Christians abandon the political playing field, they do not leave it empty. They leave it to the other side to come and fill the dugout. As we have seen over the course of the history of this country, misguided Christian people feeling they should stay out of politics has done nothing but empty the field of good people. My husband has long held that the (sorry) state of our nation is because of the church not stepping up to the plate--not participating on the field.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."  We've all heard this before. But are you aware, dear Christian, that by not casting your vote for the better candidate you are effectively doing NOTHING to prevent the triumph of evil in the political arena?

It's more than sad, it's a waste of a privilege. Heck, it's a sin. Voting is a privilege, a right, AND a responsibility.
I will unashamedly cast my vote against the current president who has voted against my Christian principles time and time again. Why? Because I am a woman of God.
That's my rant. 
See you at the polls.


Unknown said...

Amen, Linore! We must show up and ask God to bless this nation, first in prayer, then with our vote. It has never been so important. This election has generations riding on the outcome. How can we be indifferent to our kids and grandkids? Vote for their sakes, to reduce their debt and to give them a fighting chance for jobs and a moral climate to grow up in. Thank you for using your platform to speak truth! Lord bless.

Loraine Ertelt said...

Linore, Thank you for speaking out and speaking up in faith. I wholeheartedly agree that it is our duty and responsibility to investigate the candidates, use the standards of God in our choices, and to pray for wisdom in our decision. If we are to live in a moral country, then we must pick Godly men to lead us. Who we choose as leaders, determines the future for our children and grandchildren. Choosing not to vote is an option God does not give us as responsible Christians.

Linore Rose Burkard, Novelist said...

Thank you, Kathleen and Loraine--it's nice to know I don't stand alone out here in cyberspace. :) I do know many, many Christians who share my sentiments but unfortunately, we haven't communicated them effectively enough. I believe anyone who claims to bow the knee to Christ should not feel justified in sitting out such an important function as voting.
Let's keep getting the word out before it's too late!