It's Perfect Timing For The Polar Bear Plunge!
Here's a sweet little story that is wintry-wonderland fun, by author AND agent Linda Glaz. I read this, I believe, in one sitting, and all you need is a hot cup of cocoa or tea and a cozy spot, (and a copy of the book, of course) and you'll be set for one sweet afternoon or evening.
Striving to put meaning back into her life after her husband’s death, Aleni Callan immerses herself in hospital work.
Angry with God, she finds herself even angrier when hero, Brice Taylor, author of The Human Shield, arrives in the Emergency Room with a concussion and hypothermia after participating in the Polar Bear Plunge. Aleni wants nothing
to do with a man who willingly takes chances with his life.
Brice doesn’t understood how God could let him survive being a captive in Iraq, when he failed his troops so miserably. Writing about his escape brings fame he would rather avoid. And by meeting widow Aleni Callan, his feelings of failure only increase.
Megan Callan with the help of her three-year-old grandson, Ty, scheme to bring Aleni and Brice together.
And while the best laid plans often go awry, Megan isn’t one to accept no.
About the Author
Linda Glaz says:
I served in the military during a time when it wasn’t a politically correct thing to do. My years as a meteorologist during Vietnam were filled with travel, teaching, and meeting with quite a few characters. Winning awards, many of which were “firsts” for a woman in the Air Force, I experienced an array of unusual opportunities normally reserved for men.
I taught karate and women’s self-defense off and on for thirty years, refereed soccer for twenty-five, fifteen of which I was a National Instructor for the largest youth soccer organization in the world. After all those years, I went to work for a physical therapy clinic. Good place to be after all the soccer/karate injuries.
Now, I work as a writer and an agent at Hartline Literary Agency.
I’m active in an online crit group, the Friday Critters. All members, but one, are represented by agents or pubbed.
I’ve always got my fingers in so many pots, I’m surprised the short, stubby little digits aren’t all burned. I enjoy so many things in life. It’s truly wonderful, isn’t it?
I have to agree with Linda: Life is wonderful because God is good. But winter is still upon us and some people tend to get down during this cold season. This light, sweet read may be just the thing you need for a quick lift. So go ahead--take the (Polar Bear) plunge!
Warmest Blessings,
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Thanks, Linore, for having me drop by. Glad you enjoyed it!
My pleasure, Linda. Thanks for coming by. : )
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