What's Holding You Back?
The following post is by Jennifer Slattery, and a timely message since it's still so early in the new year. January is the no-brainer time to reflect, re-organize, re-prioritize, and pray for direction. Sometimes we have the sinking feeling that what we need is NEW direction, despite having committed ourselves hook, line and sinker to a certain path. Didn't God lead us down that path? Didn't he bless it--for a time? Jennifer shares her story of hanging on, when the Spirit is saying "let go."
It's hard to hear that. It's hard to let go of something we're invested in. It brings to mind one of my "life verses," which is:
"He that finds (or saves) his life shall lose it. He that loses his life for My sake will find it." Matthew 10:39
When we let go, "lose" our lives for Jesus, we actually find it. It's one of the great paradoxes of the Christian faith. Here's Jennifer's take on this principle:
What's Holding You Back?
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