Merry Christmas and Warmest Blessings

 to you and yours! 

I pray your Christmas is filled with warmth, wrapped in blessings and touched by His love. 


from my heart to yours,


Before you go, please enjoy the following vintage illustrations:

The banqueting room at the Regent's Brighton Pavilion. Undoubtedly the place for many a lavish Christmas dinner. 

Angels Singing

A Christmas Greeting

"Christmas Dinner,"  Cruikshank

Our cat, Hobbes, emerging from within the branches of our Christmas tree!     

Merry, Merry Christmas!

Warmest Blessings,

PS: Check your email for details on the next giveaway which starts tomorrow. If you don't receive "Woman of Faith" updates in your inbox, simply add your email to the subscription box to the right (choose one: either Feedburner or Feedblitz.) 

Contest Winner!

The winner of 365 Ways to Prepare for Christmas is Karen K!  Congratulations, Karen! I'll get your book in the mail right away.

Just Sayin':
The blog has been REALLY quiet, and many of you have missed opportunities to win free books. I've had two readers who have won more than once recently (including, now, Karen) as they have simply taken a moment to leave a comment after a post!

Let me encourage you to participate.

My goal is to run drawings throughout 2013, so be sure to open WOMAN OF FAITH emails when you see them. Read the post, leave a comment, and perhaps win a book. It's that easy.

Besides the chance to win, it helps me get to know you. 

While I haven't had a new full-length fiction release this past year, I have manuscripts with my agent and I'd love to know you're getting the news when one gets picked up by a publisher. So please subscribe now if you haven't already!

Before you go:
Don't forget that my Christmas ebook is still available at a sale price! 
         Regency House Christmas: The Definitive Guide to a Remarkably Regency Yuletide!

Find out some fascinating facts about a Regency Christmas from my recent post to "Regency Reflections".

Thanks, and
Warmest Blessings,


Festive Christmas Table Idea

 I love doing something different each year, even though the family loves traditions. Adding a little surprise to the house makes everyone happy, it seems. And it doesn't take much to slip in a new treat, tradition, or small blessing. Today's nifty little idea fits the bill. Like the wonderful recipes for filling your house with Christmas scents, it also comes from this week's giveaway book: 365 Ways to Prepare For Christmas, by David Monn.

In the tradition of Victorian Christmas crackers, make your own

 "Surprise Rolls."

Take a cardboard tube such as the kind from an empty roll of paper towels, or toilet tissue (the ideal size).  Using a pretty foil or heavy wrapping paper,  cut a "ten by twenty inch piece out. Center the tube on the paper, and roll it up, pinching the paper together at one end, and tying it off at that end with a long piece of curling ribbon. Fill the tube with candies or other small treats and coins. Pinch the other end together and tie with another piece of curling ribbon."


Open out the ends of the paper rolls in a fan shape; then curl the ribbons.*


I like the idea of using these as place settings on Christmas (and if your children want to pull them apart afterwards, as above, that's fine, too!)


How about you?


What's your simple trick to add festivity to your holiday table or home?

Leave a comment and you'll be part of the drawing for this week's giveaway.

PS: Don't miss my post over at Regency Reflections about a Remarkably Regency Yuletide! 

*Adapted from the "Surprise Rolls" from 365 Ways to Prepare for Christmas, by David Monn.  Win this book by entering this week's drawing! Simply leave a comment to be entered. I don't usually get around to drawing a winner until Sunday night, so you have until 12/23 to enter!

Something New for Your Tree

I never saw this idea before, so when I read about making "The Christian Christmas Tree" in this week's giveaway book (365 ways To Prepare for Christmas), I thought you might like to hear about it, too.

The Christian Christmas tree is decorated only with ornaments that have a link to either the Bible or church history.  As author Monn says, "In addition to churches and angels or cherubim..." You could include:

  • Wheat, symbolic of life
  • Doves
  • Scrolls, representing the Pentateuch
  • An ark
  • A rainbow
  • A camel
  • Musical notes (for praise and worship)
  • Grapes ( the wine of communion)
  • A 12 pointed star (the tribes of Israel)
  • A lamb
  • Candles ("fake or electric never real") since Jesus is the Light of the world

I can think of a few more things to add, such as:
  •  A tiny book ornament with the words "Holy Bible"on it
  • Lots of baby's breath or cotton wadding for fake "clouds"
  • Small instruments like harps, drums and flutes.
  • Nativity figures. Add a string or ribbon around an existing nativity set and hang it on the tree instead of putting it on the floor or a table. Each piece becomes an ornament. 
It might not be desirable to make your family tree just a Christian Christmas tree, if, for example, you have years of specially collected ornaments to display. But I like the idea for a small secondary tree for a hallway or child's room.

What do you think? Would it be pretty? Would it help remind you and your family of the real meaning of Christmas?

Let me hear your thoughts. I love to find out what my readers think. And don't forget that a comment enters you into the current giveaway of 365 Ways to Prepare for Christmas. 

Warmest Blessings,


Warmest Blessings,

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Be Careful Little Eyes, What You See

A facebook post was recently brought to my attention, made by a relative of mine. (I only see posts if they appear on my page when I click on to facebook. I simply don't have time to check individual pages of anyone. So I would have missed this. And perhaps I should have.)

Be Careful Little Eyes

I have a terrible penchant for responding to things, even when I don't want to. I take a shower and suddenly I'm putting together a reply in my head; I wait in line, or go to bed at night, and there it is again: I have to answer! (And thus, the quote from that old Sunday school hymn, "Be Careful Little Eyes, What You See.)   This post is a case in point: I wish I'd never seen it, because then I could have happily ignored the need to respond. 

Here's what it said: (I'm quoting from memory, but I've definitely got the gist of it);

"I love my family!!! But I have some right wing Christian relatives who make me want to kick their teeth in! There is no God, so please don't waste my brain cells!"

Being ME--meaning I can't help but to begin a response, my first thought ( I must confess) was something like this:

Really? Was that brain cell number one or brain cell number two? If you happen to find brain cell number three, tell it to connect with your heart before deciding upon spiritual matters. It's only from the heart that we can know God, even though he assuredly engages our intellect as well......blah, blah, blah.

OK, that's not a nice answer, I thought. So I moved on to what I hoped was a better response:

"Methinks the lady doth protest too much." Your problem (dear niece) is not with me or any other right wing Christian, but with God Himself. When was the last time you had a heart-to-heart with your Creator? I'm sorry you feel so angry and bitter--truly, I'm sorry for you as well as saddened by you--but really. Your contention is not between me and you, or us and you--it is between you and God.

But what if she's not familiar with MacBeth? (from which the "lady protesting" line comes.) And what if she refuses to take her angst to God? Well, there's nothing I can do about that.

Perhaps my response is still too snarky. (I did NOT post this to fb beneath her post for that reason.) But have you noticed this? People love to spout off against God without actually going to Him at all. Blaming the messenger, so to speak. And what do they blame us for? For insisting that morality matters, that abortion is murder, and that homosexuality is an offense and an abomination (not my words, by the way. It's what the Bible teaches.)

I stand unapologetic about all of the above. In fact, it delights me that God is a God of morality and justice. That he loves LIFE, goodness, healthy families and healthy marriages. I love the Lord!

I am not angry at my niece--grieved, perhaps, would be closer to the truth. Despite her wanting to kick me in the teeth, I have no such inclination or desire to do the same to her.

I'd love to give her a hug, though. I'd especially love to welcome her with that hug into the family of God! Would you join me in praying for the members of my family who don't know their God?

Thanks for listening and especially for your prayers.....
Warmest Blessings,

PS: As always, I have a book giveaway going on, and any comment entitles you to an entry for the drawing.
The book this week is 365 Ways to Prepare for Christmas. Even if you get it a little late to implement its ideas for this year, you'll have all year to plan ahead for next. 

Regency House Christmas!

The winner of last week's book giveaway, An English Christmas, is Amada Chavez! Congratulations, Amada! Please email me at Linore(at)LinoreBurkard(dot)com with your complete mailing address so I can get the book to you ASAP.

Thanks, everyone else, who entered. Be sure to enter this week's drawing for 365 Ways to Prepare for Christmas, by David Monn. 
 It's chock-full of ideas for a crafty, home-made Christmas that are sure to inspire. 


 What's New

I spoke on Blog Talk Radio with host Carol Topp (*standing in for publisher Felice Gerwitz). If you are a writer, you'll want to listen in as I share tips on building that all-important "Author's Platform" that publishers look for. It's a career boosting experience in 20 minutes. :)
Listen to internet radio with FeliceGerwitz on Blog Talk Radio

More Christmas!

Some of you know

I wrote a Regency Christmas (non-fiction) ebook called,

Regency House Christmas: The Definitive Guide to a Remarkably Regency Yuletide!  It's bursting with illustrations, Regency customs, poems, hymns, recipes and more.

  I started this book because I wanted to know exactly what Christmas would have been like during the Regency.  I already knew enough to recognize that a lot of other writers were getting it very wrong. 

 So, I buried myself in research and came out with Regency House Christmas. This was a few years ago, before the ebook industry exploded. So it's a PDF, not yet optimal for e-readers. (It can be read on an e-reader but won't have the easy navigation you're accustomed to.)

I keep meaning to update the ebook--they say old habits die hard, and my penchant for collecting information regarding an early 19th Century English Christmas hasn't waned. Therefore, I have much to add. I'm making it a top priority of 2013 to have the new shiny e-book all ready for most e-readers by next year's Christmas season. I wanted to do it for this year, but other writing projects--and life--got in the way. 

SO-for right now:  If you get a copy of the ebook as is (in PDF) your receipt will entitle you to the new version of the book ABSOLUTELY FREE.* Originally offered for $14.95, it's on SALE for only $9.95. 

Regency House Christmas Sale !

*On the chance that  Regency House Christmas gets a new publisher, I will not be able to fulfill giving out free copies--but I will be able to award bonus downloads of equally Christmasy content.  Either way, it's a gift that keeps on giving! 

In addition to the Contents & Bibliography, (click to download this short preview of the ebook), I also send a whole sleigh-load of bonus ebooks full of extra Christmas delights.

Regency House Christmas Sale !
A FEW of the extras are:

A Regency Feast--Christmas Dinner with all the trimmings, and more--25 pages of historical recipes, quotes and illustrations.

Regency House Christmas Receipt Book-- More Christmas feast recipes that you can freely give away to friends and family. ("Receipt" is the old word for recipe.)

The Prayers of Jane Austen--Did you know that Jane wrote a few special prayers that her father used as part of an Anglican service? They were no doubt read at home around the fire of an evening, too.  

Regency Carols--Christmas Hymns of the Day! 

English Housewifery Exemplified--173 pages of a 1764 cookbook!  

Ho, Ho, Ho Christmas Beverages--an entire ebook with special holiday libations

Illustrated historical stories of the season

And much, much more!



Regency House Christmas Sale !
Enjoy Your Copy Today! After check-out, you will receive your ebooks via the email address on the PayPal Receipt. Thanks very much. Warmest Blessings, Linore

Christmas Scents (and sensibilities)

When it comes to Christmas, a little ambiance goes a long way. Nothing shouts "Christmastime" quite like entering a house to the SMELL of the season.  A fresh new Christmas tree may do the trick, or a really good scented candle or two, but if you want to add a little humidifying scent to your home without doing any baking or rigorous cooking, try the following recipes, adapted from this week's giveaway book: 365 Ways To Prepare For Christmas, by David E. Monn. 

 Seasonal   Fragrance(s)

Place fresh orange rinds, cinnamon sticks, cloves, and fresh ginger in a saucepan, cover with water, and bring to a boil. Simmer on low heat and enjoy the scent that will billow into your home from the kitchen.


"Combine an ounce of cinnamon sticks, an ounce and a half of whole cloves, half an ounce of fresh or dried bay leaves, and simmer for two minutes. Set out in a decorative bowl."


"Warm the oven, turn it off, then sprinkle cinnamon on a cookie sheet and put it in the oven." *

*p. 104, 365 Ways to Prepare For Christmas, David Monn

There's another kind of ambience that goes a long way during the holiday season, too:  keeping your expectations at bay. As women, we sometimes don't notice that our attitude and mood can affect the entire household. It's like that popular t-shirt that says, "if mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy."

So-- make an effort to, yes, be happy! You'll give your entire household a lift.

Don't forget to leave a comment after any post to enter the current giveaway. This week's winner will get a copy of 365 Ways to Prepare for Christmas, by David Monn!  

5 Best Ways to Read a Book (Before Christmas)


I thought you would appreciate a little fool-proof advice on how to actually get some reading in during this ultra-busy season.  There are soooo many extra things to do, places to go, ways to spend time and money, that you're probably thinking, Who would even WANT to try and read a book now, right?

(Clears throat.)

Well. Um. Just in case I'm  not the only one, here are my top five ways to get reading  in, even during the busiest of times. (Consider it taking care of yourself time, and you'll be better able to handle the stress and bustle the rest of the month.)
And why not? A woman needs a good book now and then.

Of course you already know what book you want to read. It's been sitting on your bedside table for weeks, maybe months. So get it and go snuggle up in your favorite spot, being sure to have brought along a cup of tea or coffee or your beverage of choice. Make that favorite QUIET spot--for me, with so many bodies in this house, it has to be my bedroom.
Hmmm. I'm so glad I took the time to read this.

[Note: This works best after you've run yourself ragged doing all the things we all know we're SUPPOSED to be doing during this busy season.]

Now you're ready to implement my top five fool-proof methods to get that book read. 

1.  Ignore phone when it rings. (Someone else can get it, and no, you aren't available at the moment. You won't be for a few hours. Maybe not all night.)

2. Ignore children, who will suddenly MISS you, need you, and annoy you until you say, "I'll let you know when I've finished my book." Even your husband will suddenly want to know what you're up to. (Tell him.)
3. Ignore clock.
4.  Ignore inner voice that says you're wasting time or having too much fun.
5. Ignore the house, the calendar, and the world.  (World = television, pc, iphone, etc.)
Ah! This story enchants me!
Voila! You've just read a book!
That wasn't so hard, was it? 

What about you? Got a top method for squeezing in a good book now and then? We authors love to know. :) Leave me a comment and you'll be entered into the latest giveaway. 

Just don't do this: (How NOT to finish a book)


An English Christmas

One last word: 

For fool-proof uninterrupted reading, start small. Try my short stories!

Is pop-singer Christine Hartman's fairy-tale success story about to end? When a man in camo literally falls across her path while she's on a routine walk on her private, posted retreat property, she knows danger is afoot.  Readers will find suspense, mystery and romance in this short "novelette" that nevertheless manages to end on Ms. Burkard's famously upbeat notes. Only $1.49 on!


One young woman trapped in a coach and four with one established rake. And who is the mysterious highwayman? Treachery, romance and betrayal lead to unexpected love.Only $1.49 on or (for other e-readers besides Kindle)

See you soon,
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Stand Up, Church!

It's time the church stands up and gets behind companies like Hobby Lobby, who are suffering nothing less than persecution in this so-called "land of the free." And really, this isn't just a religious issue. It's an issue all Americans should be concerned about. The government may be starting with the Church, but if they get away with forcing their control into faith-based arenas, make no mistake, they will not stop there.

Below is a letter from the CEO of Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. It's an open letter to the American people. Please read it.

Date: Friday, November 30, 2012, 12:30 AM
A Letter from Hobby Lobby Stores CEO
Monday, November 26, 2012 14:10
By David Green, the founder and CEO of Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc.

When my family and I started our company 40 years ago, we were working out of a garage on a $600 bank loan, assembling miniature picture frames. Our first retail store wasn’t much bigger than most people’s living rooms, but we had faith that we would succeed if we lived and worked according to God’s word. From there, Hobby Lobby has become one of the nation’s largest arts and crafts retailers, with more than 500 locations in 41 states. Our children grew up into fine business leaders, and today we run Hobby Lobby together, as a family.
David Green, Founder and Ceo of Hobby Lobby with wife Barbara

We’re Christians, and we run our business on Christian principles. I’ve always said that the first two goals of our business are (1) to run our business in harmony with God’s laws, and (2) to focus on people more than money. And that’s what we’ve tried to do. We close early so our employees can see their families at night. We keep our stores closed on Sundays, one of the week’s biggest shopping days, so that our workers and their families can enjoy a day of rest. We believe that it is by God’s grace that Hobby Lobby has endured, and he has blessed us and our employees. We’ve not only added jobs in a weak economy, we’ve raised wages for the past four years in a row. Our full-time employees start at 80% above minimum wage.
But now, our government threatens to change all of that.
A new government health care mandate says that our family business MUST provide what I believe are abortion-causing drugs as part of our health insurance. Being Christians, we don’t pay for drugs that might cause abortions, which means that we don’t cover emergency contraception, the morning-after pill or the week-after pill. We believe doing so might end a life after the moment of conception, something that is contrary to our most important beliefs. It goes against the Biblical principles on which we have run this company since day one. If we refuse to comply, we could face $1.3 million PER DAY in government fines.
Our government threatens to fine job creators in a bad economy. Our government threatens to fine a company that’s raised wages four years running. Our government threatens to fine a family for running it’s business according to it’s beliefs. It’s not right. I know people will say we ought to follow the rules; that it’s the same for everybody. But that’s not true. The government has exempted thousands of companies from this mandate, for reasons of convenience or cost. But it won’t exempt them for reasons of religious belief.
So, Hobby Lobby and my family are forced to make a choice. With great reluctance, we filed a lawsuit today, represented by the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, asking a federal court to stop this mandate before it hurts our business. We don’t like to go running into court, but we no longer have a choice. We believe people are more important than the bottom line and that honoring God is more important than turning a profit.
My family has lived the American dream. We want to continue growing our company and providing great jobs for thousands of employees, but the government is going to make that much more difficult. The government is forcing us to choose between following our faith and following the law. I say that’s a choice no American and no American business should have to make.
The government cannot force you to follow laws that go against your fundamental religious belief. They have exempted thousands of companies but will not exempt Christian organizations including the Catholic church.
Since you will not see this covered in any of the liberal media, pass this on to all your contacts.
David Green, CEO and Founder of Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc.

Don't you think it's time we stood behind a company like this? Leave a comment and let me know your thoughts. (All commenters are entered into the weekly book giveaway. For details on this week's book, see any of the past few posts.) 

Warmest Blessings,


Is the Church Afraid?

First things first:  RADIO INTERVIEW TODAY

 If you read this early today, you can catch my interview on "Writing and Publishing Radio" with host Carol Topp at 12Noon. Click the link and join me as I discuss my experiences in the world of publishing. I'll also share tips and methods that I've found helpful in my writing life. The program runs through 12:30pm.

Second: The winner of Ray Comfort's book, God Has a Wonderful Plan for Your Life: The Myth of the Modern Message, is "Chaplain Debbie."

Congratulations, Deb!
(There are fringe benefits to following my blog! :)  Debbie has recently won TWO books from Woman of Faith.)

 However--the fact that incredibly few people commented for a chance to win this book makes me wonder:

Is the Church Afraid?

The name of Comfort's book, God Has A Wonderful Plan For Your Life sounds great, doesn't it? But the subtitle:  THE MYTH OF THE MODERN MESSAGE , is, I believe, what scared some away.  I think some of us may not be ready to face that the modern message of "Come to Christ and all your problems will disappear," just isn't scriptural. I could get into a long essay on this issue, but that's not what I see my blog as being about. (Setting anyone straight on anything. There are far too many things I need to be set straight on!)

But I have to admit it gave me pause that so few wanted a copy of this book. Comfort's style is to hit hard and cut through smokescreens to the truth. In this case, the truth he points out is that many of us are called to certain trials, to lives of sacrifice, and, if you look around the world, to martyrdom.

Not a popular message.

Of course, we have the Holy Spirit with us when we suffer, and that makes all the difference. But suffering is still, well, suffering. It hurts.

Are you one who wouldn't want to know if God's plan is NOT something you would call "wonderful"?
Perhaps we all are, to some degree.

I find myself agreeing with Ray more often than not, however. The modern church too often gives an emotional call to Christ, promising that to be "saved," means that all one's problems will disappear. We forget that when Jesus revealed himself to that former Christian-hater, Saul, he promised to show him "how many things he must suffer for (Christ's) Name."

The fact of the matter is, sinners need to come to Christ not because they are guaranteed problem-free lives, but because without Him they are headed to hell. We were all in that same spot: "Sinners in the hands of an angry God." When we come to Christ with sincere repentance we are guaranteed something wonderful: Eternal Life in God's presence. Heaven itself. But often this isn't the message the church seems to emphasize. 

 The fact of the matter is, sinners need to come to Christ not because they are guaranteed problem-free lives, but because without Him they are headed to hell. We were all in that same spot: "Sinners in the hands of an angry God."

Yet, if we would live for Jesus in this world of sin, we WILL suffer. It isn't easy to try and live like Christ  when we've got the world, the flesh and the devil as our adversaries. We all must suffer for Christ.

But like Him, we are all headed for glory.

Glory. That's the flip side of the suffering coin. Personally, I look forward to it with great anticipation.
How about you?
Any thoughts on this issue?

As always, all commenters are entered in a drawing for the current giveaway, which, this week is An English Christmas by Paula Tanner Girard.  *(US only, sorry). Drawing held on December 7, 2012. 

An English Christmas is copyrighted 2001 but isn't in print anymore, not even on Amazon, so this is an excellent opportunity to get your hands on a compilation of  two Christmas regency stories. (It is two books in one: A Father For Christmas, and A Husband For Christmas.) I must add a caveat: It is not a Christian historical, but tame, as far as secular regencies go.

  I wouldn't offer the book as a giveaway if I didn't enjoy it, myself.  In fact, I find the stories quite fun, so I think you will, too.

Warmest Blessings,

PS: Have you subscribed to this blog, yet? Enter your email in the box at the right and you'll get updates in your inbox. You'll never miss a giveaway. 

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Everyday's A Gift--Reprint by Kirk Cameron

I've got a little encouragement for you. 

There are few things meant to be encouraging about the results of the last election that actually do encourage me, so when I got a lift from reading this, I knew at once I'd like to share it with you. 

From a clip in a local paper, by the well known Christian actor, Kirk Cameron:

First, Kirk talks about times in history when things really looked black: After the fall, after Cain killed Abel, as Noah watched the flood cover the earth, when Moses was trapped between Pharoah and the Sea; finally, when Mary and the disciple watched Jesus die on the cross...It would have been easy for each person around at the time to think the world was really over. Or that hope had died.

But he writes:
"Today there are many who think the world is almost over. All signs say, 'Panic!' The economy. Moral decay. Spiritual decline. Godlessness. But if the past is any indicator of the future, then hold on. God has a plan! He isn't finished. He made this world and he loves it so much he sent his son to save it. He has promised to reverse the curse, reconcile the world to Himself, and restore all things. While this present darkness in our culture may seem great, God's promise is to flood the darkness with light, crush the serpent's head, and make all his enemies his footstool." 

Kirk also wrote: 
"Even now, Jesus is seated next to the Father in Heaven, ruling and reigning, in session with the Trinity..."

Great reminder: The days of evil are truly numbered. Let's get busy helping to point the lost to Christ while there's still time.

"Let's lift up our head, strengthen our weary bones, and get busy discipling the nations like Jesus commanded us to. Exciting days ahead!"

Thanks, Kirk! Now that's a fresh take on these dismal political and economic times! And Good News to this weary soul. Do you agree? 
Leave me a comment. Let's talk about it.

This week's giveaway book, up for grabs, is An English Christmas, by Paula Tanner Girard. As always, leaving a comment enters you in the drawing for the book *(US only, sorry). Drawing held on December 7, 2012. 

An English Christmas is copyrighted 2001 but isn't in print anymore, not even on Amazon, so this is an excellent opportunity to get your hands on a compilation of  two Christmas regency stories. (It is two books in one: A Father For Christmas, and A Husband For Christmas.) I must add a caveat: It is not a Christian historical, but tame, as far as secular regencies go. The writing is good, I assure you, and the heroine is refreshingly modest and devout. Nevertheless, it reminds me why I started writing to begin with: to give the world regencies (that are wonderful, God willing!) without making us endure too much of a secular viewpoint, most often which is conveyed through the heroes' POVS (point of views). I wouldn't be offering the book as a giveaway, however, if I didn't enjoy it, myself.  

Leave a thought about today's post and I'll enter you in the drawing! If you don't win, remember that I do new drawings almost every week of the year, so COME BACK. Better yet, enter your email to the feedburner box on the right side of this blog, and you'll get new posts with giveaway information right in your inbox.
Until next time,

Warmest Blessings,

PS: You can read Kirk Cameron's testimony of how he came to Christ here. 

*For those outside the US: if you're willing to pay the shipping, you may enter the drawing for the book.  

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Pre-Christmas Sale!

For Book-lovers Only (Especially Regency fans)

My Three Book Set of the Regency Trilogy is on Sale for Christmas Giving, Pre-Wrapped and Autographed.

My family is prayerfully preparing to move out of state, so I'm willing to let go of my last stock (which I've never offered on sale before like this because I LIKE having them around for things like workshops I teach, writer's meetings and other book signing events and so on).

Each set INCLUDES:

Before the Season Ends--A young woman of faith must navigate the treacherous waters of a London Season while her wealthy, social-climbing aunt schemes to marry her off to an eligible blue-blood. 

The House in Grosvenor Square--Follows the story of Ariana Forsythe from Before the Season Ends, as she contemplates marriage, fends off foes, and encounters mysterious goings-on in the house in Grosvenor Square!

The Country House Courtship--Ariana and husband are safely ensconced in their country estate; but younger sister Beatrice has lessons to learn and a courtship to consider--from two different gentlemen! Which man deserves to win her heart?

The Regency Trilogy is a three-book experience of life and love during the Regency--that most "Jane Austenesque" of eras. The drawing-room manners, speech and modes of fashion will thrill your history loving heart, while the romance will warm your womanly soul.

1. It's on SALE!  The retail total for the set would be $41. My sale price is only $22, including gift-wrapping.
2. Print copies are getting hard to find. My publisher has stopped printing them. Amazon is practically sold out. Who knows if they'll ever go into a second printing? I certainly don't count on that happening. 
3. I'll autograph them to you or your gift recipient, and you won't even have to wrap them! 
4. They'll arrive ready to proudly sit beneath anyone's tree. (Each package is different, but the pictures above are indicative of how they will look.)  No worry or stress on your part.
5.  It's EARLY. You can tackle that gift list right now and spend more time on cooking, baking, going to seasonal events, or whatever it is you like to spend your time doing other than shopping. (Like READING?) :)

I will send the books anywhere in the US for the flat fee of $5.50 (contiguous US). You could order a set for Grandma or Aunt Mable  and I can both autograph and mail it directly to her.

Start check-out right here, below:  

Autograph the books to:
Autograph to:
Get your order in while quantities last!

IMPORTANT: QUANTITIES ARE LIMITED!  As I said, I'm depleting my own stock of books

Before You Go:

There's still time for you to leave a comment and enter the drawing for a free copy of Ray Comfort's book GOD HAS A WONDERFUL PLAN FOR YOUR LIFE: THE MYTH OF THE MODERN MESSAGE. Go to this blog post and get in on the drawing! Book winner will be picked after November 30th.  

Warmest Blessings,
